科学探究科【SEC3】English Poster Presentation ➂
There was an SSH research report meeting on June 11th. This is the last study group for us third graders. We gave poster sessions in English and Japanese and oral presentations in English. I made a presentation about slime(PVA), which I have been researching since my second year. By talking with various people, I was able to think about the research from a new perspective. It was fun. Also, I would like to make use of this experience in future presentations.
科学探究科【SEC3】English Poster Presentation ②
On June11th, we had the poster sessions of our SSH research. I could answer the question with confidence and I enjoyed my poster session because I had practiced very hard. I found that plenty of practice leads to confidence. This was the final session for us. l want to make use of my experience and keep learning!
科学探究科【SEC3】English Poster Presentation ①
It was the last time to do a presentation about our research. Although I was not satisfied with my poster session, it was the most interesting poster session ever. Moreover, I feel like I wanted audiences to ask me a question because I was confident with my research. I am glad that I experienced these things. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to TA’s and teachers.